末日题材的佳作,当文明丧失,人性的丑陋逐渐展现#后代的土地 Civilisation is coming to an end. The death of his only relative gives a feral boy the pretext to journey beyond the confines of his home environment;99maoss永久在线 only by doing this will he be able to decipher his father’s journal,末日题材的佳作,当文明丧失,人性的丑陋逐渐展现#后代的土地 the most valuable artefact in his legacy. This singular contribution to the post-apocalyptic sci-fi genre tells of a humanity in crisis, while at the same time conveying the adventurous spirit of adolescence.堂堂蛟龙战胜,在北境无敌的存在,让无数人闻风丧胆,现在却被一个小丫头闹的手足无措?主持仪器的小刘一声惊呼“局长有了!在地底三千米出出现了疑似人类的生命波动!”小乞丐捧着这些钱一副不可置信的震惊模样,赶紧收起钱跪下来给顾雎磕头道谢谢!谢谢姐姐!就在出殿的那刻,周挽脚步微顿,转回头看向陆西骁“主子,我的身世可有眉目了?”
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