以教父的名义 The comedic story of a man named Chob,女虐女 who enjoys flirting with In-tu-orn,以教父的名义 the daughter of a powerful and wealthy landowner who owns almost every acre in northern Thailand. In-tu-orn's father asks Chob to prove his love towards his daughter by taking a seven-day trip upcountry, attempting to quarrel with anyone he meets along the way. If Chob can complete this unusual mission h...不可避免的,她的确心存爱慕。可她也知道,那只是她的姐夫而已。看着神色激动的几名难民,庄游装模作样的缓缓将自己的手掌掌心朝上,置于身前。她话音一落,几个人就齐刷刷地看了过来,林若素下意识关了门”孙嬷嬷可不让打听爷的行踪。”“谢谢你医生,你就是小梧桐的再生父母,以后我一定给你当牛做马报答你……”男人哽声说道,不住磕头。
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