为你痴狂 When Chelsea meets up with her estranged childhood best friend,为你痴狂 Milla,小骚b she's unprepared for the events that follow. Milla, who is now a webcam girl briefly catches Chelsea on camera during one of her shows. Unbeknownst to her, Chelsea has now been exposed to a watcher who becomes obsessed and will stop at nothing to have her to himself.如今,他重生少年,体内焚天真气荡然无存,原本指点江山挥手灭山岳,所向披靡的仙力已然无存。财侣法地,修真者最为重要的几样东西,原本要什么有什么,现在却什么都没有,然而徐子枫却笑了笑。“大家加把劲啊,前面就是F乡了。”陈老身子骨很是硬朗,几个年轻人都跑的气喘吁吁的,他却像是个没事儿人似的,带头在前面吆喝着。又是一阵男女翻云覆雨的痛呼,最后男人喘气如牛,然后……就没有然后了。“没关系。”顾珍儿抹着泪,笑得一脸悲凄,“若是运气好,大不了一辈子吃斋念佛。若是运气不好,大不了被一根白绫给勒死。只要能救祖母,我这条命算什么!”
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