各取应得 At the beginning of the movie a pharmacist receives an anonymous letter that threatens him of death. And the murder actually happens. Seems very simple but nothing is what it seems and the journey to the truth will be long and difficult. The book is excellent and the movie is at par with it and very faithful to the romance. Great direction. Incredible cast with Gabriele Ferzetti in his best interpretation together with the one in "喵绅hcmoica漫入口C'各取应得era una volta il West" and Gianmaria Volont simply beyond reach as always. Many other great actors. Yes I am an enthusiast 'cause there's not a word or a shot out of place in this movie and the plot is ingenious. Who is going to see this film for the first time will be taken away by the developments (the pace seems to be calm but looking in between the kinks you may realize that many things are going rapidly on). Trying to figure out what is the kernel of the happenings and the "reasons" for the murder is a very interesting exercise but it's highly unlikely for the spectator not to experience a big surprise at the end. In my opinion Elio Petri at his best (I mean at the same level of his other masterwork: La classe operaia va in Paradiso).简宁下意识看向顾均泽,却见他面无表情,仿佛刚才什么都没有发生过一样。林毅一脸赞叹的看着那钉在木板上的那根冰锥,起初看他倒是不觉得有什么。皇后面色冷然地扫了群臣一眼,目光从右相身上转到左相身上,定了片刻,端端正正地跪在大殿中,清声道,臣妾教子无方,使其酿成大错,臣妾求皇上将臣妾赐死!“杀!”一个杀字,杀机几乎凝结成了实质。从半空之中,那一双羽翼化作了一道道锋芒,不断地射向梦晨。
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