小丑龙卷风 The goal with CLOWNADO is to make a damned good,小丑龙卷风 scary and splatter-filled,情欲网咖 nonstop roller coaster ride of a Horror movie. It's something new, fresh, original and unique but also familiar. Using only Practical Special Makeup Effects and old school styled Visual Effects, CLOWNADO has the vibe of Classic Horror movies we love. Think Evil Dead, Dead Alive, Bad Taste and Texas Chainsaw Massacre if Lucio Fulci was directing, all mixed in a swirling storm of insanity. Now add in scary supernatural Clowns and the cinematic visual style known as FILM NOIR. - intense composition with shadow and light. - and a bit of that incredible John Carpenter suspense (John was also influenced by Noir classics). - and you have an Ambitious, Over the Top Gorefest Epic!. Don't judge a book by it's cover - This is certainly no comedy.“还是不醒吗?怎么睡得这么沉…小懒猫…”男人勾起了邪肆的唇角,手一扬,将她身上的被子完全掀开。素素对视了一眼,她的担忧自己也早就意识到了。原本以为团团会像上次那样吓唬吓唬她,没想到将她的脸抓伤了,这会儿,即便她真的没事,恐怕也要想法子折腾一番才是。直升机落下,几个黑衣人推着一个轮椅走了出来。轮椅上,一个女孩面色惨白,她手身上盖着一床毛毯,整个人似乎陷在了轮椅上。气呼呼的甩门而去,一出书房程湘就靠着墙壁蹲下,眼泪再也控制不住的掉了下来。
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