违约 When Max,违约 a down on his luck strip club owner,女技师疑被顾客掐死 has his life and livelihood threatened by local gangsters, he turns to his wife's connections for help and hires a hitman to solve the problem once and for all. But before long, Max is blinded by his newfound power and his family finds him spinning off the rails as the body count piles up. —Hayden Fortescue老妈好几次都哭昏过去,家里的几个亲戚也来看望,都哀声叹气。“为什么这些粉丝用这么宝贵的时间和金钱去追求这种被包装过的商品呢?有时间还不如去赚钱……”没错,这个姑娘的脑子里从来都只有工作和搞钱,基本不会浪费脑细胞在追星、化妆、买衣服或者恋爱这些女性化的思维上。她跌坐在草坪上,怔怔地望着朦胧的金色光线,忽然有些不知所措。“什么麻烦不麻烦的?你是我陆景霆名正言顺的妻子,你都不嫌弃我是个瞎子,我为你做这点事情又算得了什么?”
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