我的妹妹2020 Brilliant playwright,绀野纱理子 Lisa,我的妹妹2020 no longer writes. She lives in Switzerland with her family but her heart has stayed in Berlin, beating to the rhythm of her brother's heart. The ties between the twins have grown stronger since Sven was diagnosed with an aggressive type of leukemia. He's a famous theater actor and Lisa refuses to accept his fate, moving heaven and earth to get him ba...好在做了妇产科的护士,能亲眼看着生命降临,也算是弥补了自己的遗憾。来看看到底是不是红色。”说着,封琛暴怒的眸中掺和着痛苦。薄慕寒察觉到有人注视,转过眸就看见她淡漠的目光,他冷嗤一声,直接不在意地将手表扔在梳妆台上。她的笑又冷了三分,环视了一圈室内的陈设,最后停在了熙和的肚子上“秦公公果然是个得力的,安置得如此妥帖,也怪不得表哥那般器重。”
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