知己 New husband Adam reluctantly takes a job with state security in a totalitarian country,男男车车好快的车车cp thus becoming a secret police agent. This "知己contract with the devil" helps secure a flat for the happy couple, as well as a prosperous future. However, he soon finds out that he too is under surveillance.“爷爷,您总说男人要有担当,苏浅她现在是我贺泽川的女人。”宋有芷环视了周围一圈,确定没有情况后,她轻功踏到阵门前,化作一道灵光入了别院。还未到黄昏,宾客还没有来,夙颜柔数着案几上的发丝,一根、两根…,眼泪慢慢模糊了面前的寸缕。“不不不!这是辛苦费。”迟柔柔笑的一脸良善动人,“有劳大哥你们进去带一句话,把那个叫迟玉楼的往死里打!”
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