致命邀请函 Computer game designers Ethan (Glen Meadows) and Cole (Antonio Aguilar) take a working vacation at Paradise Sands Resort. Ethan is with his wife,金锁记电影 Sarah (Beverly Lynne) and playboy Cole is footloose and fancy free,致命邀请函 but both have sex on the brain. As Cole adds another notch to his conquest belt, Ethan pressures Sarah to fulfill one of his cherished fantasies. She agrees to a threesome with bodacious Sophie (Shauna O'Brien), but the next day Sophie turns out to be the slut who came to dinner. For starters, she lied about her relationship with sociopath Ray (Evan Kensington), a systems analyzer. It turns out that she's married to Ray, who expects a quid pro quid for borrowing his wife. Ethan refuses to steal Allegro Games' innovative design so that Ray can resell it, but Ray won't take no for an answer, turning up at Ethan's office and threatening to rape Sarah. Ethan hires a bone-breaker to intimidate Ray, who beats the crap out of the dude. Ethan hacks into Ray's criminal files and ...苏幼薇想了半个月,才决定用这样“刺激”的法子将林洹景骗到东区那边的花圃去,好给他一个惊喜。而顾伊梦正在翻着一本地藏经,正看到万法皆是因缘所生,即是因,也是果。如果超度众身,脱离六道轮回。脑子里便想起了无玄大师说的,由哪里来,回哪里去。所以心不在焉的听着周成明的话。他忽然想到前来搜捕刺客的宮大人,电光火石间便是理顺了杂乱的思绪,一双眼睛徒然撑大,愣愣地看着脸色不佳的太子。季向晨就是在这个时候赶了过来,他看到地上的沈落落,眼睛瞬间通红,他丝毫不顾及宋韵脸上的伤痕,狠狠一脚朝着宋韵踢了过去
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