Girls in the Cage PD Lee,Girls in the Cage ignored by a junior who stole the idea of ‘Idol Star Athletics Championship’,随时随地都能干的小镇i wants to create ‘Idol Star Fighting Championship’ somehow. However, the boss of the broadcasting station doesn’t want an entertainment show where pretty female idols’ faces are covered in blood, and the PD fails to recruit top female idols. Scenarist Park suggests that they recruit over the hill idols through agency problems or personal gossip. However, the training environment is extremely poor, and the investor insists on putting his daughter in the show. Even in the vicious environment of the broadcasting industry and the idol star world, strong women do not collapse and throw punches. The passionate performances of the new actors is empowering for women, Han Sunhwa, a member of the girl group, Secret, catches they by playing the scenarist. (IM Soo-yeon)挡住了,野猪和熊的去路,紧接着,熔铁又是法杖一指,一颗篮球那么大的火球,从法杖顶端射出,向了一只能飞去,眨眼间火球击中了熊,火球当场爆炸。也就在秦风走出风之门的时候,从风长老口里传来一句无地自容的话语。听盛耘问起老夫人的归期,江擎眼底闪过一抹嘲讽,老夫人是他的母亲,盛耘凭什么以为他的母亲会为她而驳了他的面子。砍刀擦着孙犁的头皮而过,孙犁面不改色,手里早就握紧的拳头快速出击,砰的一声砸在混混的胸口,混混立即飞出去砸在了墙上。
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