布里吉·莫汉万岁 Brij Mohan (36),布里吉·莫汉万岁 a hosiery shop owner in a busy Delhi market,红桃影院一键换脸 desperately wants to change his life. He is fed up of his ball-crusher wife and mounting debts. In order to escape his wretched life, he changes his appearance and adopts a new identity as Amar Sethi, but ends up committing a botched up murder. He runs off with his young girlfriend, hopeful of making a new beginning. Instead, as luck would have it, he finds himself trapped in a web of his own Karma.“哦,您老问这个啊,这就是闹事的那个渣渣给我的一个破铜牌,他竟然大言不惭的说您看到了这个铜牌,就要把他奉为座上宾啥的,简直可笑,我现在就将这垃圾扔了,以免脏了您的法眼。”“刚哥,刚哥二狗子可能是最近脑子有些问题,别生气,别生气。”大马猴跑过来一脸献媚的说道。“哼,林战天,难道你以为,仗着你的修为,就可以霸占族长之位,为所欲为了吗?”她狐疑的看着男人,在确认他的脸上没有任何怒意以后,这才慢吞吞的走了过去。
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