层间声音 A noise is coming from the floor upstairs. Eunsu,层间声音 hears this for over a month which causes uncontrollable anger to rise up. She gets eliminated again from a competition she had prepared for a lo宝贝乖女h丞相的ng time. Eunsu decides to write her last piece with the theme of the noise between the floors and persuades her friend to help her follow and track the secret.稍愣了片刻,张涛寒声道“小子,出现在不该出现的地点,算你倒霉,干脆陪我的好大哥一起投胎去吧!”郁离走在其中,耳边满是路过宫女的小声议论“今日是腊月十四,听说好像是哪位公主的生辰,摄政王放出话来要大肆操办。”R休眠仓比老旧的银色休眠仓大了一圈不止,连接线却异常简单,主导线三根,辅助线六根,比从前满屋子都是电线要强好多,看着也干净了好多。而在经过几日的现场勘察和追踪后,这起凶案的凶手的矛头直指——二皇子,赵朝!
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