灰烬中被烧毁的耳朵 Flaming Ears is a pop sci-fi lesbian fantasy feature set in the year 2700 in the fictive burnt out city of Asche. It follows the tangled lives of three woman: Spy,麻婆豆腐国内剧果冻传媒 comic book artist;灰烬中被烧毁的耳朵 Volly, a performance artist and sexed up pyromaniac; and Nun, an amoral alien with a predilection for reptiles.好东西!竟是和乾坤圈一样的上品先天灵宝,足可回收五点人皇属性点!阿默有些疑惑顾子年这么晚了给他打电话干什么,却听顾子年道动用我的所有力量,帮我找出沐沐的行踪。有时候,明知是陷阱,他仍然得跟上去。明知山有虎,偏向虎山行,毕竟大理寺干的就是追捕缉盗的工作,没有其它选择。奇奇跳下车,一手牵三只猪崽,昂首挺胸,阔步前进,神气劲叫野小子们羡慕得要死,围着一圈吧唧嘴。
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