邻居小情人 A hotshot young author becomes the pastor of a small town church with big dreams of changing the world. When the elders express that his quiet new neighbor is a lost cause,邻居小情人 he makes it his personal mission to prove them wrong by getting him inside the church doors. However,writeas灌水 when he begins to suspect that this stranger may be a threat to his family's safety, he is forced to decide how far he will go to reach the lost.“我…真的就让你这么讨厌吗?”宋玉委屈的转身跑开,一边跑一边抹泪,似乎是被李阳给气哭了。她目光浅淡,自嘲讥讽“我知道,但我希望你也可以做到如此,总不能只需州官点灯吧?”“妈,你放心就算我没考上好大学,未来我也不会让你跟我爸受苦的,我一定会打下属于我的一片天地。”林枫虽然现在什么都没有不过他相信一句话莫欺少心里的瘟神恶气不知是不是因那些话被牵动,桃夭强忍着镇定,一步步走回气运殿。
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