彼伯先生与美人鱼 As told to a psychiatrist Mr. Peabody,彼伯先生与美人鱼 middle-aged Bostonian on vacation with his wife in the Caribbean,蜜桃羞羞网站~ hears mysterious, wordless singing on an uninhabited rock in the bay. Fishing in the vicinity, he catches...a mermaid. He takes her home and, though she has no spoken language, falls in love with her. Of course, his wife won't believe that thing in the bathtub is anything but a large fish. Predictable complications follow in rather tame fashion.千秋刚刚走到床畔坐下,便听见门外的长廊响起脚步声,这才想起来慕长安和二哥还在外面。厉景煜瞳孔猛地紧缩了一下,似是被她的话吓到了, 莫烟却已经乐呵呵的开始脱他的衣服。漆黑如墨玉的眸色微微冷冽了几分,南宫音垂下眼睑遮住了眼中的异样。又在床上赖了半个小时后,张扬才感觉到肚子有点饿,一咕噜爬起来两三口啃掉了方润之留下的俩包子,看了一眼时间九点半,上午没课。
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