世界之王 Five children aged between 11 and 17 who have been rejected by society leave town in search of their own "小森美王Kingdom"世界之王. They cross a mountain range, roads and rural landscapes, and are both victims and guilty parties on their journey. They steal and launch attacks but are also robbed and tortured in turn…陆可盈忍不住咂舌道,“你还真的是掉进爱情的漩涡了啊,现在一心都是扑倒那个姓季的身上了,眼里心里一点都没有我的位置。”这次卫天凌没有等待,仅用了两步就冲了起来,飞起一脚踢在了一个人的咽喉下部,就在他还没有落地的时候,右拳打在了另一个人的脸上。上车之后,马上他就听到了导航系统启动的声音,也不知道这个东西到底是绑定在车上,还是绑定在他自己身上。霍紫鸢脸色难看极了,但霍青鸾都被烫着了,她也只能摆摆手说道“无碍的姐姐,汤撒了没事,姐姐可别被烫出什么
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