圣殿骑士之路尽头的国度 The Kingdom at the End of the Road (Swedish: Riket vid v?gens slut) is the third book in Jan Guillou'天天综合,永久s The Knight Templar (Crusades trilogy) book series. This book follows the fictional character of Arn Magnusson as he returns home to Sweden after 20 years as a Knight Templar. The book starts with Arn coming home to the abbey in which he grew up and reuiniting with his kinsmen. Arn,圣殿骑士之路尽头的国度 now an experienced knight, has great plans for Sweden. To build a superior and centralized fighting force to create a stable peace within the three countries that will one day be known as Sweden. He is also forced repell two invasions by the Denmark-supported pretender to the throne, Sverker Karlsson. This book covers the last part of Arn's life and argues that Arn is the de facto founding father of modern Sweden.我的样子吓到了,纤长的手指拨了拨我额前的碎发,温柔地擦拭着我额头上的冷汗。我听说你把杨勇他们打了一顿,杨勇伤受的不轻,就连杨才齐也没办法说什么,而且你又把我从警察局救了出来,还当上了保安队长,我心里十分的感激,你,今后有一有什么事情的话一定要和我说。随着一阵阵的惨叫声,夏天将他们全都给打趴下,狠狠的教训了一顿。以我的视角完全看不出他们是如何动作的,但那个球却开始变小,最后落在了黑瞳男子的手中。
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