课外辅导 It'含桃bys not...something you should say... You always bring women home... Jeong-soo is far from getting his grades up after he breaks up with his girlfriend so his father gets him a tutor (Yoo-jin). Let'课外辅导s go to your room to study. Jeong-soo thinks Yoo-jin is just one of his father's many women and she approaches him with kindness. Ordinary love...like everyone else.... Jeong-soo wasn't good at ordinary love and starts getting special lessons from Yoo-jin. As they get closer, he feels something lingering in his heart...脸上化着精致的妆,她正紧张的等着她的新郎来接她,可是没想到他却不见了。秦德往里面走,找了个位置坐下来,旁边的几个人也跟着坐了下来。秃头前后献殷勤,亲自帮擦桌子。“我,我不知道,但肯定就在这个房间!搜一下就知道了。”林风宇大声道。慕容雪看到这辆车之后,脸色立马大变,原本面带微笑的她,脸上突然浮现出了一抹寒霜,如临大敌一般,目光死死地盯着那辆路虎车。
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