暗藏杀机 Childhood friends Tommy and Tuppence meet in London after having served in World War I. Recently "暗藏杀机demobed"海角天天综合, short of money, and with no job prospects, they decide to become adventurers for hire. Soon, they are employed by the British Government to locate a secret treaty signed before the war.闻言,二长老的面色明显多出来了一些尴尬,脸上的肌肉不禁抽搐了一下,很不自然。“我的绫儿啊,你可回来了,你爹好狠的心啊。”翡翠眼泪汪汪的站起身,快步走到红绫身旁,将她轻轻搂进怀中,轻声嘤嘤哭了起来。其实他很喜欢看宋晓晓这样,即有些霸道,又蛮不讲理的样子,唯一美中不足的就是宋晓晓是个男人。上楼,突然撞到什么,抬头瞬间,对上一双阴冷的黑眸,寒意迅速传遍全身!
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