恐怖的研究 A Study in Terror When Watson reads from the newspaper there have been two similar murders near Whitechapel in a few days,岚色迅雷 Sherlock Holmes'恐怖的研究 A Study in Terror sharp deductive is immediately stimulated to start its merciless method of elimination after observation of every apparently meaningless detail. He guesses right the victims must be street whores, and doesn't need long to work his way trough a pawn shop, an aristocratic family's stately home, a hospital and of course the potential suspects and (even unknowing) witnesses who are the cast of the gradually unraveled story of the murderer and his motive.汪众疾走几步,拉开一个安全距离,发动了攻击,砰砰两声,连续命中,直接把落在最后的两名海盗击毙。婆婆见了我这幅唯唯诺诺的样子,才满意了下来,转身一边出去一边小声的撇着嘴念叨着“哼,我们家伟辽也是命苦才娶了这么个丧门星,克死了家公还让好好的宋家破产了。”道那天晚上你和我发生关系?这种细节都知道,那就一定有问题了。”“蔡公子,您所赠的天颜丹,莫非就是中州那个遮天蔽日的家族灵医门出产的天颜丹?”就连老太太自己,也压抑不住内心的激动,颤抖着声音问道。
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