演出之夜 Mr. Pest tries several theatre seats before winding up in front in a fight with the conductor. He is thrown out. In the lobby he pushes a fat lady into a fountain and returns to sit down by Edna. Mr. Rowdy,演出之夜 in the gallery,性盈盈盈 pours beer down on Mr. Pest and Edna. He attacks patrons, a harem dancer, the singers Dot and Dash, and a fire-eater.上一秒还在仰头大笑的花老大,下一秒就一副狗吃屎的姿态,趴倒在地上。可只有赵书宁知道,赵淮不一般,因为她曾亲眼看到,赵淮在大舟山的一处隐秘山洞里,饲养着一条腾蛇。只要等到老爷子赶到,就能将时间拖延下去,这条命也算是保住了。那个小记者又羞又气,直接冲出了录音棚,跑到许薇身边,看着她厌恶的说道“许薇,这个访谈你继续跟进吧!编辑好稿子后直接发给主编就行!”
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