Girls in the Cage PD Lee,校霸坐在学霸的棒棒上写作业作文 ignored by a junior who stole the idea of ‘Idol Star Athletics Championship’,Girls in the Cage wants to create ‘Idol Star Fighting Championship’ somehow. However, the boss of the broadcasting station doesn’t want an entertainment show where pretty female idols’ faces are covered in blood, and the PD fails to recruit top female idols. Scenarist Park suggests that they recruit over the hill idols through agency problems or personal gossip. However, the training environment is extremely poor, and the investor insists on putting his daughter in the show. Even in the vicious environment of the broadcasting industry and the idol star world, strong women do not collapse and throw punches. The passionate performances of the new actors is empowering for women, Han Sunhwa, a member of the girl group, Secret, catches they by playing the scenarist. (IM Soo-yeon)“不是我的!我父亲的小三生的,我同父异母的弟弟。”简楠撒谎。冥冥之中,霍锦瑜感觉她这段话像是真真切切对他说的一样,不禁让他冰冷的心脏,为之惊触了一下。咱们,从小学到高二,都是同一个学校。从小学到高二,都是在学校里威风凛凛的人物,因为咱们是一支摇滚乐队,我是歌手,慕容流朱儿是大吉他手,慕容流朱儿是电子琴手,南宫浣碧儿,是吉他手。只是再美的童话都有破灭的时候,自从乔眠的爸爸乔云荣被带上警车的那一刻,属于她的童话梦境,就被狠狠地摔在地上,再也拼凑不成原来的模样。
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