缪斯 Edward Dunstan is an artist obsessed by his muse. Every photograph and every movie conveyed the same meaning: What he wanted to see. His muse waited in vain for him to see her as she was,忘忧草直播 but he could not. And so,缪斯 like the mermaid in his latest movie who grew legs and left him, so does his muse. For months his days and nights are filled with watching her on the screen. His ange...夜凌辰叹了一口气,他躺在棺木里,也是感慨万千。对前任凌晨既感到悲哀不平,又为自己转世重生而感到欣喜。可是仅仅五年多不见,作为亲生母亲,二夫人竟然没有丝毫怀疑,这不得不令人深思。向小晚是被疼醒的,小腹从闷闷的坠痛到腹如刀绞,疼的她睡不着,冷汗直冒,浸湿了床单。韩铭臣撩起她身前依旧湿润的发丝在指间摩挲着,半响后,他注视着指腹上的水渍笑了下,“有些道理!”
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