妄图殖民地球的外星飞船#前哨基地 No meteorites hit Earth,老师拉我去办公室做了一节课作文 no terrorists put the world in danger,妄图殖民地球的外星飞船#前哨基地 no atomic war was started, but something did go wrong. Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from the Space. What military forces find outside the Ring is shocking. There are dead corpses everywhere: in stores, in cars, on roads, in hospitals and railway stations. Who or what is destroying all life on Earth? How long will the last outpost of mankind survive?她顿时站不住,身后的几双手双双扶住她,在昏暗的灯光下,孙若瑾甚至看不清刚才禁锢她的人是谁,迎儿好不容易帮她找到的这份工作,无论如何不能丢啊……车内两个保镖被这个男人的话弄得哆嗦了一下,才继续说道“罗总,千真万确……小的已经盯了好几天了,我……我们可以用人头保证!”晦暗的灯光下,五官似刀刻般凌厉,英挺鼻梁上架着一副金丝方框眼镜,骨节分明的两指夹着烟,垂在一侧,好似有点愣神。“还有,林助理,会协助你的,要是你敢偷懒,可别怪我直接解雇你!”说完,柳如烟身后走来了林小薇。
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