圣安地列斯超强地震 Scientists make a horrible discovery: The "蕾丝猫Big One"圣安地列斯超强地震 is coming in two days, with it, California will sink to the ocean. Their only hope is to rupture a volcano that will displace the earthquake's energy and build a new crust on the surface. But as foreshocks turn California into chaos, it's a race against time the scientists might not win.莫姚氏刚到门外听到这句话,喜笑颜开的走了进来,连事情都没听全就沉不住气了。王起重敲了敲桌子:“你要是觉得这个办法不妥,那咱们可以换一个,我让芷柔立即结束学业回来陪你。”“别以为我这是接受了你,老爷子承认你是陆家的儿媳妇,你就得叫我母亲,不然被外人知道你还喊我夫人,传出去我陆家的脸面还要不要了。”这营销号大概就是说,苏尘怎么怎么牛逼,根据种种迹象推测,很可能是江南苏家的世家子弟。
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