少林武僧 A kid rushed into the Shaolin Temple and defeated some monks as proof he was qualified for being a disciple of Shaolin Abbot. Shaolin monks refused his request. The Shaolin Abbot was touched by seeing his knee down in front of the Shoalin tem少林武僧ple for three days. The Abbot sent him to plant vegetable fields as a start of kung fu skill practice. Meanwhile,铃原爱蜜莉灰色毛衣 the kid was eager to lea...“好痛啊……”钱芊芊揉揉被那坚实胸膛撞了一下的娇俏的小瑶鼻,抬起眼睛,迷迷糊糊打量着撞了他的人。楚千雪诚然地点了点头,随后盯着叶星河,眼中满是崇拜之色,道“你是修士?”“不堪入目啊……”她小声地嘀咕了一句,忍不住伸手抹了把眼睛。我直接找上卢振东,卢振东见到我的样子,看了看边上的张霞,问我是怎么回事?
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