泰山得子 A young couple die in a plane crash in the jungle. Their son is found by Tarzan and Jane who name him Boy and raise him as their own. Five years later a search party comes to find the young heir to millions of dollars. Jane agrees,泰山得子 against Tarzan'蜜芽tv188,coo在线视频s will, to lead them to civilization.秦逸咬咬牙,正想说些什么,饭店当中,突然传来一个老者的声音,声音宏亮“这石头我买了!”“好小子,原来你们玩的是这个把戏,看我不宰了你们,宰了你们之后东西一样归我。”一个妹子神秘兮兮地眨着眼睛“听高导叫他谢少,你们忘了,锦荣娱乐不就是谢家的产业吗?”而已经满脸紫黑色的黑衣壮汉此时仿佛见到了最后一把救命稻草般急忙求救道“江道友快救救在下啊!只要你肯救在下一命,在下什么条件都答应你!”
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