课外辅导 It'课外辅导s not...something you should say... You always bring women home... Jeong-soo is far from getting his grades up after he breaks up with his girlfriend so his father gets him a tutor (Yoo-jin). Let'青木芽衣s go to your room to study. Jeong-soo thinks Yoo-jin is just one of his father's many women and she approaches him with kindness. Ordinary love...like everyone else.... Jeong-soo wasn't good at ordinary love and starts getting special lessons from Yoo-jin. As they get closer, he feels something lingering in his heart...洛依然坐下来,那感觉……如同古时候一个坐在自己主子身边、替他捶腿的受气小丫环。那么,如果他们安排的那个女人出了车祸,昨晚出现在他房间里,和他缠绵了一整夜的那个女人又是谁?司擎川瞥了眼桌上的酒瓶,拿起为自己倒了一杯,一饮而尽,回头看向盛棠绯红的脸颊,那美若星辰的眸带着几分涣散,他知道,她醉了!“我想你并不需要了。”狱长宣布道“苏童,你被无罪释放了。”
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