三个智者 Narrated by the legendary Andy Griffith (THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW,一个人看的视频免费 MATLOCK),三个智者 this heartwarming animated special is a charming re-imagination of the classic Christmas story following the three wise men on a wondrous quest to meet the newborn king. Their journey is told through rhymed narration alongside a soundtrack of holiday carols performed by The Brothers Cazimero from Hawaii. The digital release features a new original song by Jonas Myrin, a Grammy Award-winning songwriter.苏晚池充耳未闻的跑开,她躲他还来不及,还要跑来星辰上班?叶曦发起了高烧,在迷蒙的睡梦中,她好像来到一个非常昏暗的地方。宋汀夜吼道,这时候愈发恨极了陆少这云淡风轻,好似将一切捏在手里的模样。“呵呵,喂!要是废不了你怎么办?”叶飞对着少年背影大声喊道“喂!刚才人家在这里的时候,怎么不见你横!”旁边另一少女道。
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