恐吓包裹2:火辣查德的复仇 Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge immediately follows the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley,恐吓包裹2:火辣查德的复仇 which quickly devolves into an elaborate series of death traps centered around Chad’s favorite films,円城ひとみ forcing the guests to band together and use the rules of horror to survive the bloody game.相比起小昭的慌乱,陆思妤强装着镇定“可知道是什么毒,如何解?”如同背书般,黄大春朗朗上口的把张卫农的事情简略说完,接着奇怪的看着张雨柔,不知她为何有次一问。两颗太阳缓缓上升,光辉逐渐洒满了整个咸阳城,待到光辉洒满整个咸阳城的时候,广场上忽然之间响起了雷鸣一般的喊声。易瑶被刺痛,拼命扭动着身子,张嘴想要呼救,却被易简欣用早就准备好的绳子死死勒住了喉咙,发不出任何声音。
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