演出之夜 Mr. Pest tries several theatre seats before winding up in front in a fight with the conductor. He is thrown out. In the lobby he pushes a fat lady into a fountain and returns to sit down by Edna. Mr. Rowdy,演出之夜 in the gallery,午夜热门 pours beer down on Mr. Pest and Edna. He attacks patrons, a harem dancer, the singers Dot and Dash, and a fire-eater.面对尘少阳的威胁性和话音尘枫不怒反笑道“你若能接下我七拳,算你命大。”苏冉脚步顿住,没好气的说“我刚才叫了几遍你没听到吗?你朋友都快不省人事了,你能不能过去帮帮忙?”这汉奸警察翻了翻信件,没看到有什么可疑的,说了声“老林头儿,你看紧点门”,就满校园转着找线索去了。于是调整了下情绪,再次开口道,“秦相爷,如果我跟你说,我得到一个线索,是关于秦家嫡女秦嫣的,她根本就不是跟人私奔了,她是……”
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