复仇女黑帮 Maggie (Serinda Swan) is a tough and ruthless member of the all-female Dark Moon motorcycle gang led by the merciless Trigga (Pollyanna McIntosh). After Maggie'复仇女黑帮s cousin is attacked and drugged at a party,乡里大辅 the gang rides out to take revenge into their own hands. The attackers, led by Keegan (Jake Lockett), don't see the fury coming and a war breaks out with Maggie and Brian (Diego Boneta) caught in the middle as both sides race towards a violent showdown to end it once and for all.夕阳下,宫墙之上一抹清瘦的身影一直目视着西方,同一个姿势这几个月来频频上演着,这一站,就是几个时辰。王程苦着一张脸“我找遍了医生,可医生医治不好,方才早上村里人听说,我老娘可能是中了邪气。”霍氏别墅中,端坐在真皮沙发上的女人一袭高定白色包臀裙,精巧冷冽的小脸上妆容精致,举手投足之间满是矜贵高傲之感,此刻看向乔安的表情分明写满了倨傲,蔑视与不屑。各种恶毒的话朝我攻击来,旁边的同事也纷纷附和起,其中甚至还有两个,我自认为处的不错的‘好兄弟’!
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