妄图殖民地球的外星飞船#前哨基地 No meteorites hit Earth,十二寡妇肉床艳史完整版在线 no terrorists put the world in danger,妄图殖民地球的外星飞船#前哨基地 no atomic war was started, but something did go wrong. Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from the Space. What military forces find outside the Ring is shocking. There are dead corpses everywhere: in stores, in cars, on roads, in hospitals and railway stations. Who or what is destroying all life on Earth? How long will the last outpost of mankind survive?李风摇了摇头,道“张警官,我也是误打误撞才收拾了它,我也不知道这是啥!”“没,没以为是谁,就是你在电话里,我怎么问,你都打死也不说,让我有点……”苏平一副不好意思的样子。就这样,一行人从树林里出现的时候,外头等着的人,惊讶的表情表露无遗。随后转身对人吩咐道“去,把她给我关进楼上的杂物间里!不许给她拿饭拿水,她要是不同意,就活活饿死她!”
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