快乐影响 Lea is a young girl on the brink of death. She begins her final challenge,红桃♥️ a thesis that seeks proof in the belief that happiness can be multiplied,快乐影响 as can the feelings of sadness, loneliness, and misery. Unfolding the research, she discovers the "Werther Effect", a phenomenon that creates a negative domino effect. She turns to her work on a project which will achieve the opposite effect, something which would be named the "happiness effect". Utilizing an eclectic, individualistic approach to experimentation and the power of positive thinking, connections and equations lead her on a path to uncover ultimate happiness.左霓凰也不挣扎,挑衅的勾唇,“这可怪不得姐姐,谁叫你的孽种命薄,只是挖一根骨头而已,谁曾想她那么没用,竟然就这么死了……她死得其所啊,不然一辈子做个怪物吗?早点下地狱不好吗?”宜栖正要问他为什么要一直叫自己夫人,门口就进来了个穿着黑色西装,模样冷漠的年轻男人,手里还拿着一份文件。昊的态度,他在告诉夏国,自己的怒火,已经燃烧到了一种什么样的程度!安馨相信,没有进水里去,只是在一边手脚比划着,因为,她还是有些不敢。
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