山姆·克莱默克的时间机器 Since 1977,山姆·克莱默克的时间机器 Sam Klemke has been recording himself on film,日剧无忧花开在线观看 the #selfieavantlalettre. In that same year, NASA launched the Voyager with the Golden Record. Whereas NASA primarily sketches a positive picture of humanity, Klemke's honest self portraits zoom in on the individual. A special film about time, memory and what it means to be human. ‘This year will be my year, it has to be!’ Since 1977, Sam Klemke - a pioneer status updater - has looked back on ‘his year’ using video. With the illusion of progress, he hopes to encourage ‘personal growth and improvement’. Documentary maker Matthew Bate met Klemke on Facebook and became acquainted with his video 35 Years Back Through Time, a super-cut in which Klemke counts backwards from 2011 to his ambitious teenage self. Intrigued by this obsessive film project, Bate used Klemke's personal archive to create a documentary collage that feels like an intimate road trip, with Klemke providing valuable lessons about time. Along the way, he dismantles the dream of success and happiness. Klemke's self-mockery and honesty give the whole thing a light, breezy feel. Through this, Bate interweaves NASA’s Golden Record Project which, just like Klemke’s video project, was launched in 1977. This juxtaposition creates a reflection in which Bate sketches the comprehension of time and self-documenting stories as an inherent human need.最后还是张氏开了口,两人才安静下来,没一会便进入了梦乡。迟未晚摸了摸胸前放着的玉佩,没想到一瞬间神识便被吸引了进去。再次见到何慕的时候我正在超市买水果,我特意打了车到他们住的别墅附近这个超市,他能碰到我也是必然。呵呵……兰樱勾唇,有事没事的,不也已经称了你的心如了你得意了?看我狼狈至此,开心吗?吃完饭,韩霆琛叫来了一个人站在苏慕白和他身前,年纪大约四十岁左右,韩霆琛扬扬手,道“这是司机老赵,以后他负责送你上下班,我有空的话我会亲自去接送你,其他时候由老赵负责接送你,保证你的安全。”
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