知己 New husband Adam reluctantly takes a job with state security in a totalitarian country,草草国产 thus becoming a secret police agent. This "知己contract with the devil" helps secure a flat for the happy couple, as well as a prosperous future. However, he soon finds out that he too is under surveillance.“默默,你那么努力的设计花嫁真的只是为了工作吗?就算有杜怀生的原因,你也肯定只是因为他是你的上司,你敢这样回答我吗?”汪夕晓点了点头,要是再有下次,她也不是什么圣母,当然容不下她了。蝴蝶夫人刚才的声音很小,连一边的叶舜也没听清,这时也好奇地看向李芒。李芒笑笑,道“夫人看我们一路护送辛苦,明天要给我们介绍个生意。”穆娉婷秀眉微蹙,视线在姜沉碧的身上扫视了两下,摇摇头,“妹妹穿着这样鲜艳的服饰前去礼佛,要是被佛祖误解妹妹的诚心怎么办?”
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