欢迎来到威利茨 Deep in the Northern California woods,欢迎来到威利茨 in the heart of the notorious Emerald Triangle,聖肛女 lies a remote cabin. The residents struggle to fight off the repeated attacks and abductions by mysterious creatures that have plagued them for years. When a local pot farmer is caught up with a wayward group of campers the situation quickly escalates into total carnage.“帅哥,你这是什么意思?”颜霜诧异的看着眼前的人,没想到这个帅哥又酷又有气质,竟然有暴力倾向?隆思摩这时也跟了上来,见状心中嗤笑,暗道可惜了这难得的汗血宝马,竟被这样一个手无缚鸡之力的皇帝驯服,可惜呀可惜。萧逆认识她,乃是之前家中的保姆,十年未见,没想到竟然苍老成这幅模样。湘云率先走到了他们的身后,见他们竟然没有一点的察觉,又想知道他们看的究竟是什么,于是二话不说抢过了他们手里的书。
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