未来发现新地球#幻梦新地球 After a long interstellar search,未来发现新地球#幻梦新地球 man has found a second home: New Earth. After the scientists,红桃视频直播在线观看 the governments, the military and the wealthy, the hopeless masses of Earth too want their chance at a new life on this emerging world of wonder and opportunity. 'Taking the Leap' in whatever way, lawfully or not, has become the dream of millions. In order to deal with illegal stowaways and human trafficking on a Biblical scale, specialized police cadres have been activated. In 22nd century London, this is the Inter-Planetary Migration Administration. Confrontations between IPMA units and the smuggling rings are merciless, if not most for those caught in the middle. Jacob Reiss is a conscientious but disillusioned IPMA detective, a veteran with 15 years of service. An encounter with a Cartel prostitute presents him with an opportunity he had given up on, a chance to save himself from a crushing secret in his past, as well as an empty future on Earth.法器齐鸣,经声四起,而我目前要做的就是滥竽充数,装,我也得装下来。清晨阳光洒了一地,江晚被亮光叫醒,舒服的撑了一个懒腰,昨晚睡得超级好,一个噩梦都没有做。入夜,唐轻容翻了一会书觉得肚子有点饿,下了床去拿桌子上的糕点盒子,才想起昨晚就已经把里面的点心吃光了。她决定自己去厨房找点吃的。“我要顺便问一下,你在里会的图书馆找到解开神明封印的方法了吗?”
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