彩虹小马:小马国女孩之友谊大赛 Every four years,彩虹小马:小马国女孩之友谊大赛 Canterlot High has '我都湿透了你还在等什么The Friendship Games' where they must rival with different schools with a series of different sporting events and every year, the cup has gone to Crystal Prep. So Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Sunset Shimmer must work together to win the cup. But they find out that the other Twilight Sparkle is on the opposing team.万青青本来想要让上官宁泽开心一下的,可是没有想到的是,她无意间的一句话,居然伤了上官宁泽的自尊心。看来是没戏了,明白着她不爱我,这让我很是伤心。幸亏我留了个心眼,从没向别人提起过我喜欢安蓝,否则我这脸往哪搁?“可人!我平常怎么教你的?咱们做人只求问心无愧,她是骗子又何妨!”南宫箬水沉下脸,教训了可人一顿。转身来到龙醉儿身旁,将东西塞到她手上。俊玉一笑“三儿,这些都只是猜测而已,悌恨是我看着长大的,我了解他,对他有信心。”
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