小丑龙卷风 The goal with CLOWNADO is to make a damned good,小丑龙卷风 scary and splatter-filled,吴雪雯电影 nonstop roller coaster ride of a Horror movie. It's something new, fresh, original and unique but also familiar. Using only Practical Special Makeup Effects and old school styled Visual Effects, CLOWNADO has the vibe of Classic Horror movies we love. Think Evil Dead, Dead Alive, Bad Taste and Texas Chainsaw Massacre if Lucio Fulci was directing, all mixed in a swirling storm of insanity. Now add in scary supernatural Clowns and the cinematic visual style known as FILM NOIR. - intense composition with shadow and light. - and a bit of that incredible John Carpenter suspense (John was also influenced by Noir classics). - and you have an Ambitious, Over the Top Gorefest Epic!. Don't judge a book by it's cover - This is certainly no comedy.江天不屑的摇摇头,在域外战场,那些凶猛的雇佣军都不怕,岂会怕这些垃圾?陈皓轩不禁一个战栗,他这才想起来前面的那个女孩,连忙将头转回来,在下一秒他仿佛看到了眼前有一个黑色的恐怖身影,它伸着魔爪张开血盆大口露出獠牙正要朝着女孩扑过去。“好吧,去掉折旧费三千,你付我整七万七现金。”安辰羽眼底闪过一丝狡黠。姜晚晚握筷子的手忽然一抖,想到医生的诊断,忍不住开口“爷爷……”
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