星空恋人 Daonuea had a crush on Kabkluen in high school and confessed his feelings on the last day of his senior year. However,被轿夫灌满的皇后h he was gently rejected by Kabkluen. Now,星空恋人 starting University, Daonuea discovers that one of his dormmates is none other than his High school love, Kabkleun. What will happen when you stop loving someone but they begin loving you?兴许是吴敌动作之大,只见吴安安缓缓睁开了眼睛,眨巴几下,肉嘟嘟的小手揉了揉自己的眼睛,然后猛地从被窝中跑出来,一把抱住坐在一旁的吴敌。说是一分钟,其实连十秒钟都不到,一个胖乎乎的中年人,跑到了银行门口。只见大蛇头颅平放在蛇躯之上,双目紧闭,周身还有无数泥土碎屑,周围石块附近更是坑坑洼洼。话罢,林小川趁着两个美女还没反应过来之前,转身就迅速的离开了此处。
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