课外辅导 It'writeas百合s not...something you should say... You always bring women home... Jeong-soo is far from getting his grades up after he breaks up with his girlfriend so his father gets him a tutor (Yoo-jin). Let'课外辅导s go to your room to study. Jeong-soo thinks Yoo-jin is just one of his father's many women and she approaches him with kindness. Ordinary love...like everyone else.... Jeong-soo wasn't good at ordinary love and starts getting special lessons from Yoo-jin. As they get closer, he feels something lingering in his heart...龚箭此时正关注着他们四人,因为这四个兵是龚箭一直以来就非常看好的兵。当时可是血流如注的,怎么这么命大啊?不行,不能让她们母女再在这村子里呆了。要不然,事情迟早会败露。人物,知道这件事情有卫坤搀和进来,不是他能解决得了的,诚惶诚恐地带着人先出去了。老奴也要跟着小姐一起去.苓娘抓着慕清婉不撒手,仿佛她一松手,慕清婉就不见了.
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