致命邀请函 Computer game designers Ethan (Glen Meadows) and Cole (Antonio Aguilar) take a working vacation at Paradise Sands Resort. Ethan is with his wife,频hsck676.cc首页 Sarah (Beverly Lynne) and playboy Cole is footloose and fancy free,致命邀请函 but both have sex on the brain. As Cole adds another notch to his conquest belt, Ethan pressures Sarah to fulfill one of his cherished fantasies. She agrees to a threesome with bodacious Sophie (Shauna O'Brien), but the next day Sophie turns out to be the slut who came to dinner. For starters, she lied about her relationship with sociopath Ray (Evan Kensington), a systems analyzer. It turns out that she's married to Ray, who expects a quid pro quid for borrowing his wife. Ethan refuses to steal Allegro Games' innovative design so that Ray can resell it, but Ray won't take no for an answer, turning up at Ethan's office and threatening to rape Sarah. Ethan hires a bone-breaker to intimidate Ray, who beats the crap out of the dude. Ethan hacks into Ray's criminal files and ...帝夜不知信了还是没信,只说“你最好永远记得你是谁的人!”而且,她前生为了让苏子航对她感情更深厚,在盗取机密之前她从不来裴御琛的公司,更不宣扬和裴御琛的关系,就是怕苏子航心里不舒服,导致公司里没有一个人认识她。那高个子修士愣了一下,自知说漏了嘴,顿时脸色一沉“什么叶家不叶家的,老子兄弟二人是北荒鼎鼎有名的大盗,号称黑风三雄,识相的赶紧交出筑基丹来。”冰鹰原本死灰的眼眸瞬间亮起,巨翼闪动,狂风暴起,带动九天之势撕碎眼前的一切,所过之处,擂台上蒙上一层波波冰层。
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