雉岳山 Five members of the mountain bike club,龙泽罗拉第一部种子 Sangaja. To ride a mountain bike,雉岳山 we head to Chiaksan Mountain, where Min-joon's Uncle villa is located. After arriving at Chiaksan Mountain and enjoying the ride, strange things began to happen to the party…. And something unidentified chasing them! A desperate survival game for Sangaja's party to survive on Chiaksan Mountain begins.【对了,三叔,你们刚刚说的狼啊,那是咋回事啊?】秋霞撑着下巴好奇的问道。那行,今天给你添麻烦了,我也不吵你休息,明天我帮你收拾屋子当做报答。据点很大,在没有确定目标之前,杨演替可不敢随便出门。否则一旦被这些丧尸围住,可就是叫天天不应叫地地不灵。温鹤鸣的嫡夫人谢氏是振国将军府的独女,身份不俗,宫中逢年过节都会赏赐。
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