赢取女孩 A wealthy young man is conned into staging a fake kidnapping in order to be a hero and win the affection of a girl he's madly in love with. But when one of the hired 赢取女孩kidnappers is accidentally killed during the charade,高贵一族 he's forced to actually save her life while not revealing that it's been a ruse all along.不过想想秦岚能坐在秦氏集团总经理位置上,被秦家如此排挤都不下来,肯定是有几分本事的,他也没有多话,直接将上衣脱下。“还是你真以为云起的约那么好签,随便一个秦家人人家都乐意接受?”温子宣咬了咬牙,一脸期待的看着旭东皓,那双美丽绝伦的凤目深处,闪烁着一抹高傲的神色,臭男人,早晚有一天,我要让你……跪在地上求我,今天所受的屈辱,我会加倍的让你偿还。如今西南王没了,西南慕家只剩下一对小姐弟。老爷和西南王都是先帝称帝时的肱骨之臣,若陛下真有事要办,能帮她的也只有老爷您了。
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