萨迪的地球末日 Everything in high school is like the world ending and Sadie Mitchell'萨迪的地球末日s crippling fear of the coming apocalypse is the heightened version of that. Undeterred by the naysayers,坐在紫到发黑的木棒上写作业动漫 Sadie has two weeks to ready herself before doomsday. She needs to master survivalist cuisine, learn to sew, but there are other things...personal things: go to a high school party, kiss a boy, and most importantly, get her best friend back.别的女生都像一群蜜蜂天天围着他转,就她花小意见到他,就像见到鬼似的,不是躲就是藏。好似他是可怕的瘟疫病毒,她的举动真是叫他莫名的生气!“哎呦姑娘别发火呀!这么大的雨,天又黑了,视线这么差,不小心撞到你们也是没有办法!”妖艳徐娘看着杨皓月出言不逊,强忍着脾气回道。她被梦靥掐住咽喉醒不过来,可有人在摇晃她的身体,她猛然惊醒,见床头站着的是无玄大师,丰神俊逸,目光澄澈,看着她,她还沉浸在梦中的痛楚之中,全身都疼。“这才是我的乘龙快婿啊!”慕容清秋激动的端起自己的酒杯,声音都在颤抖。
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