恐怖的研究 A Study in Terror When Watson reads from the newspaper there have been two similar murders near Whitechapel in a few days,忘忧草www Sherlock Holmes'恐怖的研究 A Study in Terror sharp deductive is immediately stimulated to start its merciless method of elimination after observation of every apparently meaningless detail. He guesses right the victims must be street whores, and doesn't need long to work his way trough a pawn shop, an aristocratic family's stately home, a hospital and of course the potential suspects and (even unknowing) witnesses who are the cast of the gradually unraveled story of the murderer and his motive.李云枫此时站在卫生间的外面,嘴角闪过一丝冷笑,看样子这件事也和冯娇娇脱不了干系了。傅雨晴咬咬牙,缓缓说出曾经刻入骨子里的话——“凡大医治病,必当安神定志,无欲无求,先发大慈恻隐之心,誓愿普救含灵之苦。里昂大师笑道“拥有磐石般的意志力,格斗对于少爷而言压根不算事。”像个致命毒药,如影随形,明明痛之入骨,却是上了毒瘾,她甘之如饴。
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