巴黎梦 Mouser Jaone Tom and housecat Mewsette are living in the French c巴黎梦ountry side,红挑网 but Mewsette wants to experience the refinement and excitement of the Paris living. But upon arrival she falls into the clutches of Meowrice. Jaune Tom and his friend Robespierre set off to Paris to find her.她这几个皇儿啊,优秀归优秀,长得仪表堂堂,一个贵为当今圣上,一个乃逍遥王,听起来挺让为娘骄傲的吧?可那又怎样?“输了算我的,如果赢了,那就算她的。”他指了指身旁的倪雪,以流利的英文说道,对于自己身为骚动源头浑然不觉。外面的太阳真是太明媚了,不然刚进屋子,她眼睛怎么就不适应的红了……接着婉妤又随口把话题扯开了,说了几句有什么不适应的只管跟她说,或让人去找老太太也行,接着又说起明
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