漫长的告别1971 It is a great film by a great director.Kira Muratova has never been given her due in the Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.In the Long Good Bye she depicts a seemingly banal story of a jealous and possessive mother (brilliantly acted by Zinaida Sharko) and her poor aloof and lonely son (the only cinematic role by the talented O. Vladimirsky). The story - which is nothing extraordinary in itself - grows into the wonderful and frightening analysis of alienation between genders and generations on the background of the even more frighteningly bleak and dehumanized Soviet reality.Kira Muratova shows the tiny details of everyday Soviet life,漫长的告别1971and,羞羞色院91蜜桃🍑 again , banal as they are ,they are a hair-raising horror.The dialogue is deliberately laconic and void of any sense, showing the ever-growing people's inability to communicate and understand each other.The sound track ( by another under-estimated talent, Oleg Karavaichuk)adds to the atmosphere of hopeless and meaningless existence.Of course,Sasha (the name of the protagonist),will leave his despotic ( but loving!) mother sooner or later, but where for (c)“哈哈,笑死我了,这废物竟然被女人休了,真他娘的废!”有人高声叫道,眼中满是嘲讽。宗霆焦急的等在手术室门口,一个多小时之后,医生才从里面走出来向他汇报情况。山上那么多师姐师妹,哪个不是被自己调教的服服帖帖的,眼前这个女人泼辣是泼辣了点,但也算不得什么。云天星只有灵脉境三重,而陈碧莲有灵脉境五重,云天星出招反击,但是双方的力量差距太大了。
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