海平面上升 A scientist builds a massive ark after his warnings of an Earth-destroying flood are ignored. But when it'海平面上升s evident the disaster will occur,7788人成免费网站 those who maligned the scientist now turn to him in desperation, boarding the ark and seeking his answers before the world drowns in a never ending sea.“艹,威胁老子,老子最不怕的就是威胁了!”姜辰大怒,一巴掌就抽到了黄校长的脸上。刚才还在沉睡的蓝妮儿睁开眼睛,突然咆哮着说出这么一句话。“哼!”秦可冷冷一声就说“李宇我诅咒你现在马上立刻狠狠摔一脚!”凰歌才不管他怎么想,直接冲夜千丞冰冷的背影喊道“夜千丞,你这病再拖下去可是要命的!
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